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The Issues Summarized (Measure WC Home Page)
March 3, 2020 Election Results Certified
West Covina Voters and Taxpayers understood the issues and sent a very clear message to our City Council:
The City's finances are a resident priority.
Measure WC is severely flawed.
The City cannot operate on whim and wishes, thinking it can just tax or grow its way out of deficits.
The City must learn to work within a budgeted environment as business and households must do.
Residents expect the City Council to adopt responsible fiscal policies and demonstrate sound leadership.

Reasons to Vote on NO Measure WC
Say NO to 25% PAY RAISES ($60,000 average) when half of West Covina households make less than $75,000 per year total.
DON'T give the city more of YOUR hard earned MONEY to waste when State Auditor says WC is 17th worst of 471 cities in financial health.
DON'T fall for false promises Measure WC will "rebuild West Covina" ... Beware of slick campaign mailers paid for by $100,000 of SPECIAL INTEREST MONEY.
City Council has already spent this tax increase BEFORE WE EVEN VOTE!
Join former West Covina Mayors
Forest Tennant, Ben Wong, Fred Sykes, James Toma
and your neighbors
Vote NO on Measure WC ... March 3rd election.
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